2008年6月12日 星期四

如何拿到 Early Career Success Award (in OB)…

今天看了Hollenbeck and Mannor (2008)的文章(註1),裡面報導了一項有關近五年OB division的早期成就獎得主的數據:

if one looks at the five most recent winners of the Cummings Scholar Award for Early Career Success presented by the OB Division of the Academy (Gilad Chen, Don Moore, Jason Colquitt, Jeff LePine, and Jean Phillips) on average, this set of individuals had 12.6 papers published or in press in the top outlets defined by Hollenbeck and Mannor (2007) five years out from obtaining their Ph.D.


Hollenbeck, J. R., & Mannor, M. J. (2008). Life in the organizational sciences: achieving consensus on what is reasonable, what is possible, and what is absolutely required. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

註1:有時候寫東西寫到身體機能都快失調、很想開車上街撞人拿刀砍人的時候,讀一讀這種soft paper可以恢復一些認知和情緒資源啊…
