2009年5月12日 星期二





: Operator: 911 emergencies.
: Boy: Yeah I need some help.

接線生: 911 緊急電話

男孩: 是的 我需要一些協助

: Operator: What’s the matter?
: Boy: With my math.

接線生: 怎麼啦?

男孩: 數學有問題

: Operator: With your mouth?
: Boy: No with my math. I have to do it. Will you help me?

接線生: 嘴巴? (註: 數學math 跟 嘴巴mouth 發音雷同)

男孩: 不是, 是數學. 我必須要做他, 可以幫我嗎?

: Operator: Sure. Where do you live?
: Boy: No with my math.

接線生: 當然, 你住哪?

男孩: 不是... 是數學!

: Operator: Yeah I know. Where do you live though?
: Boy: No, I want you to talk to me on the phone.

接線生: 喔我知道. 但你住哪呢?

男孩: 不行啦, 我想要用電話跟你講

: Operator: No I can’t do that. I can send someone else to help you.
: Boy: Okay.

接線生: 不行 不能這樣. 我可以派人幫你就是了.

男孩: 好呀

: Operator: What kind of math do you have that you need help with?
: Boy: I have take aways.

接線生: 你數學需要怎麼的協助呢?

男孩: 我要算減法

: Operator: Oh you have to do the take aways.
: Boy: Yeah.

接線生: 喔~ 減法呀?

男孩: 對呀

: Operator: Alright, what’s the problem?
: Boy: Um, you have to help me with my math.

接線生: 好了 你有啥問題

男孩: ㄜ... 你要幫我算數學

: Operator: Okay. Tell me what the math is.
: Boy: Okay. 16 take away 8 is what?

接線生: 好啦. 告訴我你的數學問題

男孩: 好. 16 - 8 是多少?

: Operator: You tell me. How much do you think it is?
: Boy: I don’t know, 1.

接線生: 你告訴我吧! 你覺得是多少?

男孩: 我不知道, "1" 嗎?

: Operator: No. How old are you?
: Boy: I’m only 4.

接線生: 不是. 你幾歲呀?

男孩: 我只有四歲.

: Operator: 4!
: Boy: Yeah.

接線生: 四!

男孩: 嘿阿

: Operator: What’s another problem, that was a tough one. (哈哈)
: Boy: Um, oh here’s one. 5 take away 5.

接線生: 你有別的題目嗎? 剛那好難唷. (哈哈笑)

男孩: 喔~ 這邊有. 五減五是多少?

: Operator: 5 take away 5 and how much do you think that is?
: Boy: 5.

接線生: 五減五? 你覺得是多少呀?

男孩: 五

: Woman: Johnny what do you think you’re doing?!
: Boy: The policeman is helping me with my math.

女子: Johnny, 你到底在幹麻?

男孩: 有個警察先生在幫我算數學

: Woman: What did I tell you about going on the phone?
: Operator: It’s the mother…

女子: 關於電話我是怎麼講的?

接線生: 是媽媽耶...

: Boy: You said if I need help to call somebody.
: Woman: I didn’t mean the police.

男孩: 你說, 我有需要幫忙可以打給別人

女子: 我並沒有說可以打給警察呀
