2008年11月12日 星期三

剛剛看到的AMLE in-press article



  • Title: Doctoral Degree Prestige and the Academic Marketplace: A Study of Career Mobility within the Management Discipline
  • Authors: Arthur G. Bedeian, David Eduardo Cavazos, James G. Hunt, Lawrence R. Jauch
  • Abstract: Using data collected from a national sample of 171 PhDs who were awarded terminal degrees in management between 1977 and 1987, we tested 4 hypotheses concerning career mobility within the management discipline. We found (a) doctoral origin prestige had a direct effect on the prestige of a graduate’s initial academic appointment, 【畢業時要找到好工作?先從好的PhD program畢業吧】(b) doctoral origin prestige interacted with perceived quality of publications such that, early in their careers, graduates of more prestigious doctoral programs obtained greater job placement benefits (in terms of more prestigious initial academic appointments) from the perceived quality of their publications than did graduates of less prestigious doctoral programs,【對於發表紀錄好的那些傢伙來說,從好學校畢業的傢伙還是比較吃香】 (c) later in their careers, individuals who secured more prestigious initial academic appointments held more prestigious academic appointments than individuals with less prestigious initial academic appointments, 【一畢業就找到好工作,就是未來工作的有利保障】and (d) at a later career stage, initial appointment prestige interacted with perceived quality of publications such that individuals with more prestigious initial academic appointments obtained greater job placement benefits from the perceived quality of their publications than did individuals with less prestigious initial academic appointments【一開始就找到好工作又有好的發表紀錄會一直都很吃香】. Our results suggest that recruitment patterns in the management discipline reflect an inherent academic stratification system and that doctoral origin prestige is an important determinant of early and later career opportunities.


