2008年12月27日 星期六

Journal of Management的新編輯方針


Points of Interest

·Papers will be acknowledged via email upon receipt. We strive to make
an editorial decision before 75 days, but circumstances beyond our
control occasionally dictate a longer cycle.

·Each paper is reviewed by at least two reviewers and is also read by
the action editor for the paper (either the editor or the associate
editor). Results of our decision, along with copies of the reviews,
will be forwarded to the contact author as quickly as possible.

·If authors are invited to prepare a revision for further consideration,
our letters of invitation will outline the major issues to be resolved
and our assessment of the likelihood of success.

·Authors are normally given up to three months from the date of the
invitation to prepare a revision. Our policy is to make a final
publication decision after one revision (of course, further work may
also be requested to resolve any remaining issues).

Thank you for considering the Journal of Management as a publication outlet. We look forward to reviewing your research efforts!

  1. 看起來審稿時程有加快的傾向(前一次投稿的初審時間超過三個月,但現在他們的目標是75天)。
  2. 希望一輪就搞定(to make a final publication decision after one revision)?!這樣很好喔!
